Horse Kicks

Based out of Lexington, Kentucky, the Horse Capital of the World, Horse Kicks was founded to offer horses of all breeds and disciplines the drip they deserve. 

The Job
Primary Graphic Designer for Horse Kicks project hired by Cornett Advertising.

Allow me to explain.

Cornett Advertising approached me to build out the assets associated with this epic campaign. The way it was pitched to me was VisitLEX was looking to create a tourism buzz with the incoming Breeder's Cup being hosted in the city. As a Convention and Visitors Bureau, VisitLEX’s primary business objective is to boost awareness and enhance perceptions of Lexington, Kentucky, as a travel destination.

Horse Kicks was born. Acting as a sneakerhead shop for horses, Horse Kicks occupied a storefront facade in an old Starbucks in downtown Lexington. It’s a fake store, but also real because Marcus Floyd literally makes these shoes for horses and you can buy them.

Design Assets

Logo, icons, pattern, window display buildout, window decals and digital graphics. 

Meg is one of the good ones. She’s incredibly talented and a total pro. Not only will she bring an idea to life…she’ll take it to the next level. I can’t wait to work with her again!

JONATHON SPALDING, Associate Creative Director

This project was so cool to see launch into the world. Watching the viral response featured on Jimmy Fallon, CNN, USA Today and countless other media outlets was surreal. 3 billion earned media impressions later, and Horse Kicks still has traction. Along with the media coverage, Horse Kicks also received a Silver Clio Award and was on The One Show Shortlist.

Graphic Design

Roles + Responsibilities


Fringe + Co.


Lake and Company